Understanding your business and how it operates is key to its success. Is your company communicating its vision and mission effectively? Is your strategic plan still relevant? Can you clearly identify your weaknesses, and effectively correct what is not working? A comprehensive business assessment will provide an overview of your current operations and identify what it will take to move your business forward.

Creating a clear plan of action will help elevate your businesses performance and positively impact your employees. Developing new structure, creating mindful policies and procedures, and providing your work force with clear job descriptions, and then measuring their success, will enable you to oversee your operations instead of being caught in the middle of them.

Eliminating excess paperwork, and streamlining your work flow will allow you to better prioritize your day and your life. Automation works for many business owners, however, identifying the right type of programs and processes to fit your needs is critical to its success.

Organizing your business does not only include moving items to the right place or file, or getting rid of things that are no longer needed. It is about understanding the talents of your employees, their duties and responsibilities, and avoiding redundancy. It is about providing them the tools they need to be successful and providing a clear workflow, and hierarchy.

Implementing new policies and procedures are always a challenge, as many employees are adverse to change. It is important to understand that employees base those feelings on past experiences, where a change did not have a positive impact on their job. That is why it is crucial to motivate and encourage employees to participate in the process.

Once you have completed the assessment of your business, created an effective action plan, decluttered your workspace and processes, organized your staff and implemented new policies and procedures, you will be able to evaluate your long term goals. Will you continue to grow this business? Will you diversify? Will you start planning your exit strategy? When your business has clear objectives, outlined and understood by your employees, and you can measure its success, you can then see clearly into the future.

It has always been a passion of mine to utilize my experience and creativity to help businesses get healthy. Finding administrative support remains a challenge for talented business owners who are proficient in their field of expertise, but are unfamiliar with the day to day operations of a business.
When hiring Help Organize My Business, you have engaged the services of a Business Coach, General Manager, Full Charge Bookkeeper and Marketing Director all in one. Whether your needs are for a business, non-profit or an individual who may need assistance with their life responsibilities, Help Organize My Business is the right solution.